Brian Ellis
Vice President – Southwest & Rocky Mountain Regions
Brian was introduced into the construction industry in 1975 working on footings and foundations for residential homes and light commercial buildings located in and around Salt Lake City. In 1982 he was approached by the Brown Steel Company and offered a position in the concrete reinforcing industry. In 1987 Brian became a manager for the California division of Brown Steel Co., overseeing rebar installation for projects in Northern & Southern California.
In 1989 Brian went to work for Boman & Kemp Rebar in Ogden, Utah as an operations manager, and became the responsible managing employee for both the Reinforcing and Structural Steel divisions. His primary responsibilities included sales and installation of reinforcing steel.
In July of 2004 Brian accepted a management position with JD Steel Company as their southwest regional manager in Phoenix, AZ and quickly relocated his family to Mesa, AZ where he began managing JD Steel’s rebar operations in Arizona, Southern California and New Mexico.
J.D. Steel working together with Contractors, Concrete Companies and Fabricators has developed one of the premier rebar placing companies in the Southwest.
Natalie Wright
Office Administrator
Natalie has been part of the JD Steel team since November 2016. Natalie has excelled in her administrative position due to her attention to detail and outstanding organizational skills along with her extensive knowledge of all office procedures. She continually strives to take on new challenges and looks for ways to improve all aspects of office function. She also is responsible for preparing the Company Safety Newsletter and works closely with company leadership to produce an industry leading safety communication. She continues to go above and beyond to ensure efficient operation of the Rocky Mountain Region office.